Here's To You, Mamas

If I were asked to define motherhood. I would have defined it as love in its purest form. Unconditional love.
— Revathi Sankaran

As a newborn and family photographer, I have had the privilege of capturing so many beautiful moments between mothers and their children.

There is nothing sweeter than the love of a mother for her child.

It always touches my heart to see their bond and to give the gift of cherished photos.

Today, let’s take a moment to honor and appreciate all the wonderful women in our lives.

Mom, Dad and newborn baby snuggle in bed with their dog

We encourage you to reflect on the love that surrounds you and how that has shaped who you are.

Mom and young daughter snuggle for photos in Philly

So here’s to all the mothers and mothers-at-heart. Thank you for all that you do. Your love, guidance, and selflessness do not go unnoticed.

We’re wishing you a wonderful Mother’s Day filled with lots of hugs and kisses, peaceful moments, hot coffee, and maybe even a nap ;) You deserve it!

Interested in documenting your family’s love or giving mom a gift that will last a lifetime?

Schedule your photoshoot below!